
Break in


Hacker and Security

SecureSphere offers a dynamic learning adventure, where cybersecurity meets practical experience. Dive into a world where the complexities of digital protection are unraveled through interactive exploration. Our platform uses real-world cases from, providing you with a secure, sandboxed environment to test, probe, and enhance your cybersecurity skills.

Are you ready to become a cybersecurity expert?

Hacker and Security






Our project is a software solution that enables the deployment of services on Kubernetes while also facilitating the identification of security vulnerabilities using "Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures" (CVEs). Through this combination of practice and education, we create a learning environment that helps professionals and students deepen their knowledge of security concepts and improve their skills in dealing with security threats.


Our Cluster


Our CI/CD pipelines enable the automated creation and deployment of Docker images and Helm charts in our Kubernetes cluster after code pushes. This leads to more efficient, consistent, and reliable application development.


As an administrator you can monitor the cluster using Prometheus and Grafana. Prometheus collects and stores metrics, while Grafana visualizes them and provides dashboards for performance monitoring.


We use Portainer, which is an open-source platform for managing Docker containers in a Kubernetes cluster. It provides a graphical user interface that allows you to manage Kubernetes resources on your cluster.


The Admin is able to assign users only the specific permissions they need, using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). This minimizes the risk of unwanted changes or potential security vulnerabilities.


Setting up the entire environment is possible with a single command. Automating an entire environment provides consistent and reliable deployment of resources and applications while saving time and resources.


Our cluster provides a failover mechanism that automatically restarts failed containers or services. This ensures that your applications are always available, even if individual components fail (High Availability).

Best Project Award (SoSe 2024)




The SecureSphere Team
Felix Arns (PO), Dimitrios Chalatsoglou, Kaan Demiroez, Marcel Frizler, Junior Fomba-Tagang, Maik Krawczyk, Nhat-Lam Luong (SM), Jonas Ochs, Paul Sandler

Meet the minds behind SecureSphere. Our team is dedicated to providing an immersive cybersecurity learning experience. With backgrounds in cybersecurity, software development, and education, we've come together to create a platform where anyone can sharpen their security skills against real-world scenarios.

The SecureSphere Team
Felix Arns (PO), Dimitrios Chalatsoglou, Kaan Demiröz, Marcel Frizler, Junior Fomba-Tagang, Maik Krawczyk, Nhat-Lam Luong (SM), Jonas Ochs, Paul Sandler